Student Athlete

You're eligible to join Student Athlete Scholars.

Join today to:

Apply for unique scholarships – Student Athlete Scholars receive 118% compared to the average

Increase college acceptance rate

Be part of a supportive community as a mentor or mentee

Student Athlete Scholar Membership

Start $99/year membership to Student Athlete Scholars

Annual tuition is $99. Over 25% is awarded to member scholarships.

What's Next?

Once you’ve completed your tuition payment, you’ll receive your welcome email. This email contains your certificate and membership card. You’ll be invited to apply for our members-only scholarships and meet the community.

Student Athlete Scholars get 118% of what the average scholarship recipient does.

Student Athlete Scholars
get 118% of what the
average scholarship recipient does.

Student Athlete Scholar Membership

Start $99/year membership to Student Athlete Scholars

Be recognized as a Student and an Athlete. Join this invitation-only merit society of student-athletes, the Student Athlete Scholars to improve your college acceptance rate & recruitability by college coaches.


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